Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dancing with the Stars

I'm struggling with the whole blogging thing. I seriously think I might be the world's worst blogger! I seem to think that I need to have pictures or videos to share before I can blog and that's what keeps me from posting a lot of time. I'm going to work on that. So last night was the premier of Dancing with the Stars, which is a favorite for me and Bella. I've been wondering how she was going to react this time when Warren wasn't on. She was so excited about cheering for him last season and even recognized him in a Super Bowl commercial when we didn't even think she was watching the TV. So first rattle out of the bag last night was Derek and Lil' Kim dancing. (was anyone else completely offended when she dedicated her dance to the girls she was in jail with????) I was telling Bella everyone's names and telling her we needed to decide who we were going to cheer for this season and I told her it was Derek and Kim. She looked at me like I was absolutely crazy and said "UH-UH Mommy, that's not Kim." So we went back and forth and couple of times with me insisting that yes, her name is Kim and Bella insisting it wasn't when I finally realized that she thought I was saying it was Kym Johnson (she is the pro who danced with Warren last year if you don't watch the show). So I think I may be raising a DWTS monster or as her Aunt Janell put it "a pop culture prodigy." Bella made it through a little over half the show last night before she got bored and wanted to go play with her daddy. The two-hour shows are a little too much for her to sit through. I'm not sure who is my favorite at this point. I'm not a Bachelor fan and have never watched it, but Melissa did amazing considering the amount of time she had to practice. I also loved Shawn and was pleasantly surprised at David Allen Greer. My pick to go home next week is Belinda, but I think she might have enough of a fan base to stay another week or two. I figure her and Steve Wozniack will be the bottom two based on what I saw last night. They might surprise me next Monday.

Bella had a blast at the Imagination Movers concert this weekend. Kyle took some pictures, but we haven't downloaded them to the computer yet. Yesterday and today when they came on TV she's gone crazy saying "It's the Movers. I see them at the concert!!"

1 comment:

  1. what is the imagination movers? sorry i'm way late on comments i haven't got to read anyones blogs in a while!! ( :
