Monday, May 10, 2010

Cooper is here!

I'm going to have to figure out how to change the title of my blog.  Cooper Rogers Chapman decided to make his appearance in the world 5 weeks early on last Thursday.  My blood pressure was just getting higher and higher and my doctor felt it was best to go ahead and deliver the baby before my health and his became more at risk.  So at 8:44 PM, Cooper made his debut.  He weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz. and was 17 1/2 inches long.  He was having trouble breathing so he had to be inutbated later Thursday evening.  We had another scare when one of his lungs collapsed over the weekend, but the doctors were able to quickly fix the problem and he had to have a chest tube put in to avoid the same problem.  They are trying to get that out soon.  It will be the next big hurdle for him to overcome. 

He has steadily gotten better over the last few days.   We went to see him several times today before I was discharged and each time he was obviously better.  By the last time we saw him he was awake and alert.  It was the first time Kyle and I had seen his eyes open and he was smiling!  He had been very agitated when he was touched earlier, but this afternoon he held our fingers, let us touch his feet and was responsive to both Kyle and I when we talked to him.  I've included a couple of pictures here.  I'll try to keep updating here as I can. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that last picture! What a sweet baby boy! Can't wait to hold him!
